Light Pollution

Happy 2009, the International Year of Astronomy!

A new form of pollution has been brought to my attention in the newest issue of the journal Nature, which highlights the International Year of Astronomy. Light pollution. At first this seemed like some wacko idea brought up by astronomers to drawn attention to their discipline. But after reading an article by Malcom Smith, I’ve started to think a bit more of this idea.

Smith’s article discusses the excessive amount of light emitted by cities at night via empty sky scrapers, street lights, etc. Did you know 1/5 of the earth’s population can’t see the Milky Way because of light pollution? Two thirds of us in North America are denied this sight. Light pollution can also interfere with bird migration patterns. Migrating is not easy, we really shouldn’t make it harder on those poor birds. There was also a potential connection mentioned in the article between light/dark cycles and our bodies ability to ward off cancer (this requires more research, but it sure gets you thinking!).

So another totally unexpected (by me anyway) reason to turn off the lights.

So if you happen to be the CEO of a business that’s in a sky scraper, or a city planner, or a mayor, or something of that sort, think about putting some policies in place to prevent excess light pollution. It probably will only save you money in the end. And if you’re not, turn off your own lights. Maybe go to bed a little earlier. If you’re watching TV, do you really need both of those lights on? Or have a romantic dinner over candles. Aw. If you work in one of those aformentioned sky scrapers, talk to the boss man about not leaving lights on at night. Lots of ways for you to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy.


He did it


…and it will come into affect 9 days before Obama takes office. This makes it very, very hard for Obama, who wants to reverse the rule, to do just that.

That’s ok, science doesn’t mean anything anyway. Why should you take into account decades of sound research? Science is just voodoo mumbo jumbo, right Bush? If you don’t understand it, fear it. *sigh*

If you happen to be a United States citizen, please, PLEASE write to your congressman/woman to tell them how you feel about this. They can stop it. The West Virginia representative wants to envoke the Congressional Review Act, which will allow congress 60 days to review this rule and they can over turn it and prevent it from turning our planet into a wasteland. WRITE IN! Do you think if I pretened to be one of their constituents they’d figure out that I’m not…

I heart Christmas!

I’m a total sucker for Chritmas! I love all parts of it. Cookies, music, lights, etc.

So, with that in mind I was going to do a post about buying presents that are better for the environment. But then I felt like we’re bombarded with that info all the time. Make presents, get presents that mean something instead of costing a lot, etc. We’ve heard this for a few years now, you’ve either started doing this already or you’re way too much of a hard sell for me to convert in one blog post. Some people just need to give!

So instead this Christmas find another aspect you can change that will make a difference.

– serve fair trade, organic coffee on Christmas morning

– consciously buy food items with less packaging (may not seem realted to Christmas but we sure buy extra food over Christmas in my house)

– don’t buy presents at Wal-Mart (I’m sorry, I just really don’t like Wal-Mart…will be the topic of a future post)

– shop at local shops that you can walk to instead of drive to

– make a list of errends and stores you need to go to so you can make one trip instead of a bunch of little ones

– flying over Christmas? Think about buying carbon offsets, it was cheaper than I thought it would be

So there’s some ideas just to get you thinking about all the parts of Christmas, not just presents. There is so much going on this time of year, those little changes are a big help.

Travel posts are going to start to enter the mix here soon. Now that I’m done my thesis defense I’ll be doing a little bit more research into my upcoming travels. Just over a month left!

Buy Nothing Day

Happy Buy Nothing Day!

Well, it’s officially tomorrow, but I think some people really needed it today.

I am very upset about this. A Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death as customers swarmed the store the day after American Thanksgiving, Black Friday I think it’s called. I was going to rant about it here, but it got a little rant-y…so please just think about this event and what it says about our culture.

If you too are disturbed by this event, please participate in Buy Nothing Day, Saturday November 29th.

Now, if you run out of milk or toilet paper, I think it’s ok to go re-stock. But avoid buying Christmas presents, fashion accessories, new shoes, that must-have kitchen gadget, etc. Just take a break from it all!

Please take the time to think about each thing you buy, not just Saturday but each time you enter a store. Ask yourself:

– why are you buying it?

– where did it come from?

– who made it?

– what raw materials were used?

– what does it mean to you or the person you’re buying it for?

– what will happen to it when you’re done with it?

Now, what else can you do if you’re not shopping? Well, if it’s a nice day go outside. Invite a friend over for tea. Clean out your closet (look at all the stuff you bought and didn’t need!). Just relax.

Good Riddance!

I’m sure most of you were very excited with the results of the American elections. At least someone’s country is getting a new government.

The Democrats just seem to be much more friendly to the environment than the alternative. They made real efforts this year to green-up the Democratic convention. Good job guys!

Well, this post is to fuel the flames lit under George W Bush’s butt to get him the heck out of here.

Some of the executive orders he’s working on getting put through before he leaves:

– Lessen the endangered species laws

– Take factory farms’ word for it that they’re not polluting water; no forms, no inspections, no fines (Honest Mr. President, those deformed babies down river from our farm aren’t our fault!)

– Put a large chunk of Utah and Alaska for sale for oil and gas drilling

– Getting rid of the stream buffer zone

WHAT! If you’ve ever taken an ecology course, this is one of the most well studied things you learn! You need a buffer zone of trees/natural habitat around streams or it will over heat, erode, and lose a bunch of species who live both in the stream and around the stream. This one makes me the most mad. Grrr.

When I heard about these I just couldn’t belive it. Polluting the water his people have to drink! Reversing years of positive environmental legislation that protect his people from nasty toxins! Makes you wonder if he sees them as ‘his people’ at all.

There is some hope. Obama has said he’ll be reviewing all of these executive orders shortly after he takes the throne and will overturn ones he doens’t like. Yay!

Now, just to give credit where credit is due, I got all this information from More Hip Than Hippie, a great podcoast I listen to. Two hilarious ladies get together over beer and chocolate and spread all kinds of good environmental tips, news and information twice a week. And they do it in a realistic, non-judgemental kind of way. Check them out. They keep me company on the bus.